Berrien Community Foundation grants available
Posted: Mar 16, 2017 11:33 PM EDT | Updated: Mar 16, 2017 11:39 PM EDT
The Berrien Community Foundation is in the midst of a first-of-it's-kind information tour, hoping to clue non-profits in to the many grants they have available to them.
The foundation gave out 5.5 million dollars in grants last year alone.
ABC 57 News spoke with one organization that's been benefiting from them for years and they encourage other non- profits to learn what's available.
We also spoke with foundation President, Lisa Cripps-Downey, who explained that the many grants they offer range from a new 50-thousand-dollar one to smaller grants.
The tour's third of five stops is at the New Buffalo library Thursday night from 6:30- 7:30 p.m. AThey will also travel to Coloma and the St. Joe - Benton Harbor area in the next two weeks.