Buchanan Schools realignment

BUCHANAN- The district wide shift is on for Buchanan Community Schools.

It’s thanks to the closure of Starke Elementary at the end of last year. Buchanan closed the school to save money.

Now Moccasin Elementary school is kindergarten through 2nd grade. Ottawa Elementary is 3rd and 4th grade. The Middle School is 5th through 7th and eighth graders join all the upperclassmen at the high school.

Separated 8th

Buchanan High School 8th graders have a separate lunch and passing time in hallways from the rest of the upperclassman at the school. They’re not allowed to go to the high school dances, or go to prom.

Buchanan says there’s a big difference between a 13-year-old and an 18-year-old.

Even though they’re in the high school, they say they wanted to give them an 8th grade experience rather than just throwing them in the high school.

“We’re trying to keep their experience unique so when they become a 9th grader they’ll be different things they’re allowed to do that they don’t get to do now," says Sharon Steinke, Principal at Buchanan High School.

Buchanan is preparing for 8th graders at the high school to be a permanent change to the building. The grade could go back to the middle school if a bond issue passes with voters in February.

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