Cass County courts to receive $675,000

CASSOPOLIS, Mich. --- Cass County courts received over $675,000 in grants to continue to fight the on-going opioid crisis in southwest Michigan.

The grants are going to the following problem-solving courts:

• Family Treatment Court operated by Cass County Probate/Family Court

• Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program operated by Cass County Circuit Court

• Adult Treatment Court and Sobriety Court/Hybrid DWI/Drug Court

•Adult Treatment Court and Sobriety Court/Hybrid DWI Drug Court operated by Cass County District Court

• Berrien/Cass Regional Mental Health Court operated by Berrien County and Cass County

These courts allow addicted offenders the opportunity to address their addictions through a program that involves close judicial supervision, treatment, frequent and random drug and alcohol testing, and other community services tailored to each participant’s unique circumstances. According to a press release, problem-solving courts have received better outcomes than incarceration alone. 

“If you can provide treatment to and see someone become sober and they don’t come back that’s a win,” said Chief Judge Susan Dobrich.

According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the state is ranked 10th in prescribing rates of opioid pain relievers. The MDHHS cites that back in 2012, providers wrote 107 prescriptions for opioid drugs per 100 Michigan residents.

Michigan is ranked number 18 in the nation for overdose deaths.

The grant money is used for around the clock case management, which for substance abusers can determine whether or not they continue to be in and out of the courtroom. It also allows for a restorative approach Chief Judge Dobrich said this is the best model in order to make a difference in people’s lives.

Read below for more information on these grants:

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