City of Elkhart’s MyElkhart311 app now available in Spanish
The City of Elkhart’s MyElkhart311 app has been updated with new features and is available in Spanish.
The MyElkhart311 app was released in March 2020 to allow residents to report things like potholes, tree issues and graffiti.
The city says the new version of the app will help them gather data that will help them in the budgeting process.
“MyElkhart311 has been a huge success in 2020, but it didn’t meet our standard of unparalleled service. This new system, the new app is in Spanish, which is hugely important for our residents. We’re also going to be able to better aggregate data from this app that can be very informative in our budgeting process. Each report made by a resident is a valuable data point that can inform how we designate resources in the future,” said Mayor Rod Roberson.
The app is available for Apple and Android phones.