City won't ticket for snowy sidewalks during extreme cold

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- With another round of arctic temps and more snow on the way there's little hope that sidewalks will be cleared anytime soon.

"It is very possible that the weather may be too cold for residents to go out and it is also very icy on the streets and sidewalks as well," said Shubhada Kambli, Director of Code Enforcement. "It is very possible for residents to not be able to shovel their walks, so we will not be ticketing until the weather gets warmer."

Good news for some - but not for others.

"They really get covered by salt and snow from the road," said South Bend resident Cesar Aquino.

Right now the sidewalks are under more than 2 feet of snow and ice.

The shoveling requirements will be back in effect as soon as the weather warms up.

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