Cold weather gives an early start to ice fishing

EDWARDSBURG, Mich. – Ice fishermen welcome this winter’s cold temps.

“Compared to the last few years, it’s a really early ice fishing season, normally we don’t get out until just after new year,” says Edward Hanson, a fisherman from Edwardsburg.

Hanson likes to throw his line in Eagle Lake. He has been ice fishing there all his life. But before he puts his line in the water, he has to make sure the ice is right.

“About a week ago before we got that warm spell a couple people got out here but it wasn’t really safe at that point in time,” says Hanson. “Around Monday or Tuesday it started getting really cold again to get safe.”

With five inches on Eagle Lake on Thursday, Hanson was clear to fish.

Winning the battle against the bitter cold, however, is the only way to get through a long day on the lake.

“Wear as much clothing to block against this cold wind as you can,” says Hanson.

With an easy-up shanty, Hanson can stay out for hours. And the right gear can save you if you ever do break through.

“Always wear your cleats, have your spikes. You pop them out really quick and you start jamming yourself out,” says Hanson. “Once you fall through the ice, the ice can be slippery, your hands are going to be cold and wet, you are not going to be able to grip onto anything, these are what give you the traction.”

These tools can be purchased at Lunker’s in Edwardsburg, Michigan, or online at

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