Colleagues, community remember Jackie Walorski one year after death

Jackie Walorski and Todd Young

“Jackie’s death still stings. Her House colleagues and I continue to miss her energy, wit, wisdom, and leadership. My heart still goes out to her family, and the families of the other individuals killed in that tragic accident.” – Senator Todd Young

Jackie as a child "Campaign Like a Champion Today"

Christine Byington-Hanna:

Jackie was such an amazing woman. She never forgot where she came from and NEVER stopped fighting for what's right. I had the pleasure of meeting her several times. This was one of my favorite pictures when she came to do an interview at WFRN. She had just been elected as Congresswoman for us Hoosiers. She always gave you a big hug making you feel special. I'll miss her terribly ?

Renee Clark Fish:

We were honored to meet her up at the South bend Cubs game/Memorial Day Celebration in 2018. She took time to meet my granddaughter and let us snap a picture of her. What a tragic loss.

Trisha Chamberlain Carrico: 

2014 My daughter Ava won grand Champion Steer and Grand Champion Gilt for the St Joseph County Fair and Jackie donated to her buyers group and wanted a picture with Ava who was 9 at that time. Very generous lady with her time!

Debbie Ann:

This was taken June 25th this year. We joked around that we were knee sisters. She just had a right knee replacement and I previously had the left knee replacement. She was an amazing woman! We also knew Zach. Smart talented young man. May the families of all the ones who passed know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Debbie Ann:

My husband with Zach on June 25th 2022.

Betty Hahn Kocsis:

We met Jackie on Dyngus Day 2016.

Gina Rozenblit:

We met Jackie during our son’s Presidential award ceremony at Washington DC. She was kind enough to invite us to her office , cancelled some of her appointments and spent several hours talking to the whole family and taking pictures.

Such a genuine Beautiful soul. She will be greatly missed

Dorene Dennie:

My daughter with her in 2016. Her husband and I were college friends.

Stephanie Powers:

Jackie visited our organization to learn more about our work and to attend our check presentation.

On August 3, 2022, Jackie Walorski and three others died in a car crash on State Road 19 and State Road 119 in Elkhart County. Now, a year after her death, her colleagues and community members are remembering her as a person and leader in the community. 

Fred Upton, former U.S. congressman and Tim Wesco, State Representative

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb

"Congresswoman Jackie Walorski was a force to reckon with and a fearless fighter for her Hoosier neighbors in northern Indiana. She was devoted to helping those in need, standing up for our veterans and committed to securing Indiana’s bright future of opportunity."

Pete Buttigieg, former South Bend mayor and current U.S. Transportation Secretary

"A year later, we are all still feeling the shock of suddenly losing Congresswoman Jackie Walorski. We came from very different political perspectives, but I appreciated Jackie's straightforward and decent approach, and her willingness to work together."

Senator Linda Rogers and Senator Todd Young

Rochester Mayor Ted Denton

“To say she is missed is the biggest understatement ever made. Her legacy cannot be matched by anyone. She was truly a government representative that had her heart in her work. A good friend that I miss.”

Tessa Moran and Dan Young, South Bend residents

Indiana U.S. Senator Mike Braun

“Hoosiers will always remember Jackie as a great public servant and a strong voice for her constituents in the 2nd district, and our state will always be better because she gave so much of her life to serving it. Please keep Jackie's family, and the families of Zach Potts, Emma Thomson, and Edith Schmucker in your prayers today. One year without those Hoosiers we lost in this tragedy is a painful anniversary, but it is also a reminder of the positive impact each of them made on the lives of others.”

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, State Representative Doug Miller and Mishawaka Mayor Dave Wood

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