Concerns raised for Benton Harbor Area Schools' future

The fights to fix the many problems looming over the Benton Harbor Area Schools continues.

Declining enrollment, massive debt, and school board conflict were a few of the things discussed Monday during the board’s special meeting.

And before a decision is made, many officials want to make sure they’re keeping the students first.

This was also the school board president Sharon James first meeting back since she walked out of the last special meeting called by the school board.

Friday, she told ABC 57 News she was not resigning.

She was back Monday and it was business as usual.

Lisa Gulley, the board trustee that initially filed a complaint and called a meeting against James said she would no longer pursue a vote of no confidence as she wants the board to move forward together.

This board took a hard look at what needs to be done in addressing the district’s need for an emergency loan.

In addition to massive layoffs, new superintendent Shelley Walker also laid out a plan for a soon-to-be downsized district next school year.

Her projection accounted for a loss of over one hundred students, one of the things she recognized this board would be mixed on.

The board is set to meet Tuesday to vote on the items discussed tonight.

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