Damp, chilly, and breezy Election Day

NOW: Damp, chilly, and breezy Election Day

It’s Election Day, Michiana! If you’re hitting the polls today, you’ll want to be prepared for some unpleasant weather.

We’ll be seeing showers especially for the first half of the day. It will also be chilly with highs topping out near 45°, about 20° below normal for this time of year. It will also be breezy which will cool us down even more.

You’ll want to bring some waterproof gear, but an umbrella might be overkill with mainly light showers throughout the day. Wind gusts could also make using your umbrella difficult. A hooded rain jacket and some rain boots will work just fine as you hurry into your polling location.

Compared to last year, this primary election will be a bit less wet, but cooler. Temperatures for the 2022 election were in the mid-50’s while this year, we’ll be stuck in the mid-40’s. Last year was much rainier with nearly an inch of rain while today’s showers shouldn‘t amount to much, likely up to .1” for most.

While conditions aren’t ideal, this year’s primary election forecast isn’t as bad as what we've seen in years past, so get and vote if you can!

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