Elkhart PD takes a new approach to include Latinos at their Night Out event
ELKHART, Ind.- For the first time in nine years, the Elkhart Police Department is stepping it up to better include the Latino community for the National Night Out Against Crime.
According to the Elkhart Police Department this is the first time the department has distributed Spanish fliers.
Sergeant Chris Snyder explained this is one way they have tried to reach more Latinos. “We had one of our chaplains this year that was able to take our English version of our flier and create it and transfer it over to Spanish,” he says. “We just had a better opportunity this year than what we had last year.”
Synder says Elkhart PD is not here to crack down on immigration cases. “We’re here to serve the community, we don’t care what you’re status is. We’re here to serve you.”
“We encourage for everyone to come forward and tell us what’s going on,” adds Snyder. “That’s the only way for us to make it a safe community.”
Delia Vazquez, a local Latina says she was full of happiness when Snyder gave her the news.
“I am feeling so happy because he said, ‘Delia we have fliers in Spanish.’ And I said, “Really?!”
Vazquez shared 100 of these fliers in both English and Spanish around her community and the response was overwhelming.
“The community tells me this is wonderful, this is great. I see a big difference right now than 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 3 years ago!”
According to Vazquez, the local law enforcement is much more interested in working with the Latino community.
“They are always open to hear, to listen to help too,” she says. “The Elkhart Police is trying to work together, trying to have a connection with the Hispanic community.”