FEMA encouraging older adults to be prepared for disaster with ‘Take Control’ toolkit
September is National Preparedness Month, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is urging adults to be prepared for any situation with the “Take Control” toolkit.
“Take Control in 1, 2, 3” is in collaboration with the campaign Ready, which works to teach Americans how to be “ready” for any natural or personal emergency or disaster.
The toolkit boasts three steps: 1) assess your needs, 2) make a plan and 3) engage your support network.
Assess your needs
Step one tasks readers with brainstorming what emergencies they could encounter and what they need to do to prepare for it.
Make a plan
Step two encourages readers to create a specific plan to face those emergencies and create an emergency kit to grab when needed.
Engage your support
Step three asks readers to reach out with friends, family and neighbors who could support you at a moment’s notice when disaster strikes.
By mapping out these specific steps, FEMA and Ready hope older adults can be prepared to face any emergency that could happen to them and their communities, whether it be a natural disaster, active shooter situation or cyberattack.
Scroll down or click here for all you need to know to be prepared for disaster.