Five players split a jackpot of over $430,000 at Four Winds South Bend

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Five poker players won big at Four Winds South Bend on December 20 when one hand in a game of No Limit Hold’em triggered a Bad Beat Jackpot worth $432,342.58.

The Bad Beat Jackpot is triggers when one player loses a hand of poker with a four-of-a-kind, a very strong holding, to another player who also has a four-of-a-kind.

In light of this very rare hand occurring, Four Winds South Bend embedded a jackpot for when this hand happens.

The loser of this hand won 50 percent of the jackpot worth $216,171.29, the winner of the hand won 25 percent of the jackpot worth $108,085.64, and the other three players split the remaining 25 percent of the jackpot for $36.028.55 each.

All five winners are reportedly from the Michiana area.

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