Free movie night at Four Winds Field

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The Indiana Donor Network is hosting a free movie night for families to enjoy at Four Winds Field on August 14.

This movie night will open the gates to the stadium at 6:30 p.m. before a showing of Remember the Titans begins at 7:30 p.m.

People attending will be sat by general admission either in the seating bowl or the outfield grass.

Four Winds Field will have the splash pad and playground area open for kids to enjoy.

Concessions and the Cubs Den Team Store will be open for purchases throughout the movie night.

Lawn chairs and umbrellas are prohibited, but attendees should bring blankets if they plan to sit in the outfield grass.

To get free tickets for this movie night, which must be claimed by noon of August 13, visit the South Bend Cubs box office or click here.

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