Game Day Chase focuses on new mammogram technology
On Saturday morning, despite the rain, around 800 runners got to represent their favorite football team, while running through South Bend. This year, the Game Day Chase is committing to provide grant funding to support ongoing cancer research.
Game day Chase is set to give football fans an opportunity to enjoy a run before Norte Dame’s home game and represent the team they’re cheering for.
But not only does it benefit people wanting to get some exercise in, it also helps raise funds for cancer research.
Last year the Kelly Cares Foundation announced a two year program partnership with the Harper Cancer Research Institute.
The partnership with the Harper Cancer Research Institute allows for big improvements. Working toward new mammogram technology is one of them.
Research is key in determining new methods to detect cancer. Early detection by mammograms is the best method when doing breast cancer screening.
This partnership includes a shared investment over 2 years per year.
$70,000 from the Kelley Cares Foundation, $25,000 from St. Joe Health System and $5,000 from the Harper Cancer Research Institute.
The total project budget is estimated at $200,000.