GCC helps feed the hungry
GRANGER, Ind. -- The holiday season is over, but for Granger Community Church members the charitable giving continues.
More than 3,000 people volunteered their time to pack boxes of food into trucks. Food banks experience the greatest need for donations in January so the church took upon themselves to help fill the void.
"The number of clients has doubled and tripled, and simultaneously, the downturn in the economy there have been less donations, so our food pantries are just being crunched," said Rob Wegner, the pastor of Life Mission. "So we're doing it because there's a genuine need, and secondly, we're doing it because people matter to God. We want every person in Michiana to know they matter to God, matter to us, and we want to be good neighbors."
Over the last decade, Granger Community Church has donated over 1 million pounds of food.