Global bike tour stops at Notre Dame

NOTRE DAME, Ind. — One man stopped at Notre Dame to share a goal of providing equal and open access to quality education.

Mike Peer is on a 35,000 mile global bike tour sharing his message to schools along the way.

The Interaction Design Foundation partnered with SAP University Alliances to send Mike Peer on an eco friendly, high tech bike and canoe trek.

On the trip, he will talk to students and residents about making education available for everyone.

"It's been 80 days on the road so far and about 2,500 miles so far, another 33,000 to go," said Peer.

Peer says the most challenging part of this trip has been planning. He has been on 80,000 mile trips before but says this one is different.

He started 70 days ago in Orlando and expects to be finished in Europe over the next three and a half years.

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