Golf outing in Elkhart aimed at raising money for scholarships

NOW: Golf outing in Elkhart aimed at raising money for scholarships

ELKHART, Ind. – Concord Dollars for Scholars hosted its 11th annual golf outing on Saturday, raising an estimated thousand dollars in scholarship money for students and student athletes.

Recipients of the scholarship expressed their approval at how the money benefits the community.

“It means a lot at football games or basketball games when we get donations. We do phonathons and a lot of people donate for that. It’s special to see the community come through to help Concord,” Cal Whitaker said, a 2019 Concord Graduate.

“You have football players, and basketball players and baseball players out here. So it’s not just a small community of high schoolers you’re supporting, you’re supporting the greater Concord and Elkhart community, which I think is pretty great,” Elise Boessler said. She graduated from Concord in 2018.

Over 100 golfers attended the event.

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