Governor Holcomb provides update on state's response to COVID-19

NOW: Governor Holcomb provides update on state’s response to COVID-19

During his daily press conference, Governor Eric Holcomb confirmed he is extending the stay at home order until May 1.

"We spent all weekend working on responsibly and safely reopening. We want to do this in a smart way and we'll get there a lot faster if everyone subscribes to the notion that we're in this together," Holcomb said.

Over the weekend protestors at the Governor's mansion called for him to end the stay at home orders.

Holcomb also announced elective surgeries can begin again on Tuesday.

He also clarified some business operations:

  • As long as sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), staff and other supplies are available for the COVID-19 response, hospitals should conduct medically necessary procedures, such as those determining cancer diagnosis and cardiac issues, respiratory procedures, and procedures to reduce significant pain or symptoms making quality of life unacceptable.
    • Any restrictions involving medical procedures will be evaluated every seven days for appropriate and timely modifications that could be implemented.
  • Permitted outdoor activity as described in the executive order includes yard work, gardening, planting and landscaping at residential, commercial and industrial properties and farms.
    • Nurseries and garden centers may be open for business as long as they limit the number of customers in their facility at any given time to achieve the Centers for Disease Control’s required social distancing, limit their hours of operation and consider implementing separate operating hours for the elderly and other vulnerable customers, and comply with the social distancing, sanitation and other mitigation measure to protect its employees and the public.
  • Pet grooming at a pet salon, store or mobile unit is permitted.
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