Haunted front yard; what is drawing in kids by the hundreds!
NILES, Mich. - There is a 'haunted' front yard that has come to live off Third Street.
Mark and Rhonda Allison have worked tirelessly for months to put together a haunted dungeon for kids to visit.
"We do it because we are homebodies and we like to have the kids visit," Rhonda said while standing in front of the massive structure.
A neighbor donated the wood that was used to make the 30 foot walls. When you walk through the large wooden door there are ghosts, goblins, bloody body parts and hidden traps. Enough to scare even the toughest child.
"We just like to offer something for free for families to do," Rhonda added.
This is the fifth year that the couple have put on a public haunted exhibit. Last year they constructed a haunted train.
"Each year it seems to get bigger and bigger," she said.
"I think this is a good experience for the kids, " Ron Gadacz chimed in. Gadacz had to check it out for him self. Even though he is elderly, he said he is a kid at heart.
"It's all from goodwill, which is good and that's what we need more of that during these tough times," he added.
The couple don't accept monetary donations for the exhibit and were to humble to give an estimate on how much it costs in time, materials and electricity.
Jacquelyn Davis, 12, a student at Brandywine Elementary School dropped by with one of her friends, "My grandma told me if I brought a friend it wouldn't be as scary."
You could hear Davis scream from the roadway as they went through the dark chilling halls of the inside dungeon.
"It's awesome!" she shouted as she reached her hand up to show a thumbs up. "I think they are really awesome. I don't know anyone who could put this together."
Several hundred kis are expected to visit this Halloween weekend.
If you want to check it out for yourself here is the info. you need.
Haunted Dungeon
2818 South 3rd Street in Niles
Open Saturday, Sunday, Halloween
There are no set hours, they stay open late until people stop coming by.
There is no admission cost.