Hoosiers can now request an absentee ballot online

In an effort to make voting in the June 2 Primary Election easier, the state of Indiana now allows voters to request an absentee ballot online. Previously a voter could only request an absentee ballot by mail, email or fax.

“We’re facing an unusual situation in this year’s primary, and I am committed to making sure all Indiana voters can vote with security and convenience,” Secretary of State Connie Lawson said.

Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot for the June 2 Primary.

Completed applications must be received by May 21.

After an application has been received, the voter will be mailed a Primary Election ballot.

Completed ballots must be received by noon on June 2.

Click here to visit the Indiana Voters website to fill out the absentee voter applications.

  • Once on the website, click on "visit the My Voter Portal"
  • In the popup window enter your name, birth date and county of residence
  • If the information that pops up is your information, click "continue"
  • The next window will give you information about your registration status and where you are registered to vote. If this information is not correct, click "Update Voter Info"
  • If the information is correct, you should see "Absentee voting" at the bottom of the menu on the left hand side of the page
  • Click "Absentee voting"
  • Click "Vote by mail" and fill out the form.

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