How to save money this winter season
Posted: Nov 17, 2014 12:54 PM EST | Updated: Nov 17, 2014 3:34 PM EST
The cold weather is here to stay in Michiana, which means turning up the heat in your home.
But that doesn't mean you and your family doesn't have to spend a lot of money this winter!
Indiana-Michigan Power has released a few tips to help you save money this winter:
- Have your furnace and duct-work inspected annually. Loose, broken AC ductwork accounts for 15-35% of a home's energy loss.
- Change furnace filters each month.
- Caulk, seal and weatherstrip openings from your home to the outside.
- Increase your attic insulation if the joists are showing. Recommended level: R-38 or 10-16 inches blown.
- Repair and weatherstrip air leaks in the home. About 10-25% of energy used to cool homes escapes through air leaks.
- Unless it is equipped specifically for home heating, use your fireplace sparingly. Warm air escapes through the chimney. Close the damper when you're not using your fireplace.