It's peak peach season for Michigan farmers

NILES, Mich.-- The fruit belt has yielded some of the best peaches Michigan has seen in years.

Lehman's Orchard said they have no more cherries from you-pick season, but the peach harvest is looking great.

Customers flocked to the orchard for the perkiest peaches of the summer.

Steve Lecklider said, “The microclimate on this side of the lake in southwestern Michigan is really great for peaches. We get the lake effect so we get moderating temperatures in the winter and usually quite a bit of moisture in the summer.”

Lecklider says the sandy soil and warm weather has made the donut peaches at his family's orchard extra tasty. During last year’s drought the peaches all shriveled up.

Lecklider said, “The amount of sun has been adequate for a lot of the peaches we are harvesting right now. The fruit is really flavorful and it has a lot of color to it. And sales have been really good.”

Lecklider says the donut peach, commonly known as a pinto peach, is great for salads.

Lecklider said, “The donut peach doesn’t get as large as a regular peach. There’s a small seed in there and a lot of people like it just for a snack.”

Peach season ends in late September.

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