Justin Tuck visits some lucky elementary students

SOUTH BEND, Ind.-- Former Irish and two-time Super Bowl Champion, Justin Tuck, will be flipping the coin at The Blue Gold Game on Saturday, but on Friday some lucky kids got to hear from him.

Tuck went to Monroe Primary Elementary to read his children's book.

The book is called Home Field Advantage, and is about growing up with five sisters.

The football player created the R.U.S.H. Literacy Program to help children read, understand, succeed, and hope.

Tuck said, "I've had a lot of interesting people help me along the way and I'm just trying to do the same for these kids and hopefully they can be the next Justin Tuck or hopefully a lot better than him."

Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. Tuck will be signing copies of his book at The Hammes Bookstore.



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