Justin Verlander gives back to Michigan Veterans

DETROIT, Mich.-- One Detroit Tiger is giving back to a Michigan community, in an all-star kind of way.

Justin Verlander is on the cover of a cereal box called Fastball Flakes.

Verlander was at the Allen Park Meijer Store to meet-and-greet Michigan Vets.

Verlander handed a check for $45,000 to The Veteran's Hospitals of Ann Arbor and Detroit.

Veterans lined the aisles of Meijer, meeting their favorite Tigers player, who has made it a priority to give back.

Verlander said, "I get messages and tweets all the time from kids eating their breakfast,holding up the box. It ended up being great and I'm happy I did it."

The baseball player said he was apprehensive about looking at his own face on a cereal box, but was blown away by the reception.


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