Lakeland workers get free lunch thanks to Niles church

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NILES, Mich. -- Our healthcare heroes have been on the frontlines of the pandemic for over a year, and Wednesday, Lakeland workers got a thank you.
About 200 employees were able to get free lunch from Relevant Church, which decided it was time to show some gratitude for our local healthcare workers once again.
“Sometimes they go without a lot of appreciation and today we wanted to say thank you for putting yourself on the line every day,” said Lead Pastor Muta Mwenya.
Relevant Church brought in a food truck from Taqueria Don Chepe and paid for lunch for all Lakeland employees.
Staff said it was incredible to see the outpouring of support when the pandemic first hit, but that has slowed down a little, so hearing that another organization was still thinking of them was much appreciated.
“We’re very grateful that the work we’re doing on the frontlines is still valued and we still have that community support,” said Candace Graham, Chief Nursing Officer at Lakeland Hospital in Niles. “I think we all can agree COVID’s not going away, at least not any time soon.”