Little league teams ready for South Bend Cubs season
Posted: Apr 4, 2015 12:29 AM EST | Updated: May 11, 2016 8:46 PM EST
The South Bend Cubs' opening day is less than a week away, but it's not just the professional players gearing up for the season.
Four Winds Field is expected to cater to hundreds of future baseball all-stars as well.Jamie Pluta is a coach and board member for Chet Waggoner Little League in South Bend.
He said he's excited for the boys and girls he coaches.“We try to go out there once or twice a year,” Pluta said.
Pluta said he's thrilled to have a Midwest League team in South Bend again.“I've been a Cubs fan all my life. My families are Cubs fans. It's nice to have players, when they're injured, come down and play here, and we can go watch them and not have to go to Chicago to see them,” Pluta said.
Chet Waggoner has players from age three to 18-years-old.Pluta is hoping that a chance for his teams to interact with the professional players will inspire some home runs of their own.
“Obviously, we're baseball fans. So it's pretty fun to watch a professional sport here in our hometown just right up the road,” Pluta said.