Local reaction: Women on the front lines
FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Close to home, military personnel have mixed feelings about the new decision to open combat jobs and direct combat units to female troops.
Thursday the Pentagon announced it is lifting the nearly two decade ban on women serving in direct combat roles.
In Fort Wayne Indiana some veterans say lifting the ban could help women make the military into a long career. Others say the ban should not be lifted and women should not be on the front lines.
"I remember my drill sergeant was a ranger who had been in sniper school, and I was like...oh yeah drill sergeant. I want to do that...and then being told no, sorry, females can't go to sniper school," said Tiffany Kravec, Veteran.
"Physically, I think it will be really hard. Women aren't built the same way as men, and I think there will be a lot of discrimination about it," said Jericha Faulkner, Narine Corps Poolee.
Women make up 14 percent of the military's 1.4 million active duty personnel.