Michigan rolls out new IPhone App so drivers can report potholes
NILES, Mich. -- The Michigan Transportation Team (MTT) rolled out a new IPhone App Thursday. The new App allows drivers to report potholes and other dangerous road conditions with a click of a button.
Michigan drivers can now snap a quick photo on their phones of dangerous potholes, streets and bridges in disrepair thanks to MTT, the largest transportation and infrastructure coalition in Michigan.
The driver that uploads the worse photo will be entered into a contest to win $500, the average cost of a pothole repair.
Steve Honeycutt lives in Michigan and says the roads are in really bad shape right now and will only get worse when winter comes.
"It can get pretty bad, especially when it starts to get cold," says Honeycutt.
Honeycutt sees the roads at thier worse when he is driving and when he is working. He is an auto mechanic and says he often has to fix the damage caused by potholes, one extra expense he says drivers do not need right now.
"Not only do we have to pay four bucks for gas, but we have to pay $500 to get our cars fixed."
The Michigan Transportation Team, the creators of the new App, says the App is meant to put a spotlight on the state's need to fix up its roads.
The group has the stats to back it up too. According to a report released earlier this year by the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council, 35 percent of Michigan roads are in poor condition and qualify for federal money.
The report said that 46 percent of residential streets and county roads, which are non-federal aid roads, were in poor condition as well. Also, nearly one-third of Michigan's bridges were deemed structurally deficient last year.
Although disappointed by the numbers, Michigan drivers say they understand those numbers have a lot to do with the state's budget crisis.