Mishawaka parents upset over formal dance dress code

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- Some parents of Mishawaka High School students are going to great lengths to speak out about a new dress code at school dances.

At a dance Saturday, girls' skirts were checked with a yard stick as they walked in. Those whose dresses were too short had to go home or wear something else.

Parents complained of the rule, and that most of the girls already bought their outfits before the school announced the new dress code.

"She could wear this everyday to school if she wanted to, but she can't wear it to her formal dance," said Vicki, a Mishawaka parent. "I just thought that was unbelievable."

Skirts, shorts and dresses must be at fingertip length for school, but for the dance the length had to be longer.

Dresses could be no shorter than three inches above the knee.


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