Mother-Daughter Duo turns tassels together at Notre Dame graduation this weekend

NOW: Mother-Daughter Duo turns tassels together at Notre Dame graduation this weekend

NOTRE DAME, Ind. -- Like mother, like daughter. 

One pair of Notre Dame graduates share more than just notes and professors, they share the same DNA! 

It was around 2020 when Kelley Wright decided to pursue a master's degree. 

Being a South Bend native, a Marian High School and Saint Mary's College graduate, it only made sense that Kelley chose Notre Dame for her master's. 

Her mother, Denise Wright, is a Notre dame employee in the non-profit sector, who also chose to further her education at the university. 

Denise's own part-time graduate program was well underway by the time Kelley started hers, so the two say it's total chance that their programs wrapped at the same time. 

Now they'll walk the stage together, after supporting each other both in and out of the classroom. 

When asked how this experience has impacted their relationship, Denise says, "it's kind of cliche to have people say that your daughter can be a new best friend. But in many ways, I would say that that's very true. We've developed into a friendship that is also very meaningful, and very, very important, I think, to each of us. And so, I'm very grateful for our, this time together." 

Kelley receives her Master of Business Administration, while Denise collects her Master of Non-Profit Administration. 

Denise will start a new role at Notre Dame while Kelley makes the move to New York City to start a career in finance. 

While the two will have to part ways to grow professionally, they're excited to watch this new chapter unfold for each other... and Denise has a reason to travel to the big apple. 

Congratulations to both Denise and Kelley on their graduation from Norte Dame's Mendoza College of Business this weekend! 


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