NIPSCO prices raise one percent this winter

GRANGER, Ind. -- NIPSCO is projecting a one-percent increase in your bill from November to March this winter season.

Winter is quickly approaching Michiana and it is now time to turn on the heat.

Residents like Jeff Myers in Granger are already turning on their heaters, earlier than they usually do.

“I have had to turn it on a couple of times this year.  I had to turn it on earlier than in years past,” Myers said.

We asked NIPSCO representative Nick Meyer to see what Michiana residents could expect this season.

NIPSCO estimates most Michiana residents should expect a one-percent increase in their bill.

"So for the typical customer using about 624 therms, it is going to be about $4 over the total of five months,” said Meyers.

Looking at past NIPSCO bills, for a one bedroom apartment, prices in 2011 and 2012 stayed steady around $20 for the October bill, while there was a $5 jump in this October's bill.

According to, there are options and tips for customers to cut down on their monthly payment.  And NIPSCO recommends for homeowners to purchase a programmable thermostat.

“The most simple way folks can take advantage is a programmable thermostat, so when you are not at home, try to use a little less energy," says Meyer.  "It helps you save on your energy, and save on your bill and so it is a good thing all around.”

And those thermostats range anywhere from $20 to $150, and NIPSCO says it will help cut your payments in the long run.

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