Notre Dame club of Ann Arbor hosts tailgating event at the Big House

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Many fans were out tailgating for Saturday's big ND vs. Michigan game.

ABC 57 stopped by the Notre Dame club of Ann Arbor's alumni tailgate. It was complete with all things Irish including balloons, bags, a game of catch and some tailgating food.

While organizers say hosting a big event can be time consuming, they say it's well worth it.

"I just met a gentleman from North Dakota, his first time in Michigan. It's pretty cool," said Dave Riebschleger, the president of the Notre Dame Club of Ann Arbor.

The club president tells ABC 57 that it's sad knowing they won't get to host another event here for years to come. Luckily, South Bend isn't too far of a drive from Ann Arbor.

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