Operation Ramp It Up installs 100th ramp in Michiana

NOW: Operation Ramp It Up installs 100th ramp in Michiana

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- A non-profit organization is giving back to veterans across the U.S. On Sunday morning, Operation Ramp It Up installed their 100th ramp on San Lu Rae Drive at a home of a veteran who was in the national guard for seven years and who served overseas for three.

“It means a lot to me and my family, and I can’t thank everybody enough for what they’ve done and they’ve given up their free time on a Sunday, especially, to come and help us out and I really do appreciate it,” veteran Paul VanDemark said.

Operation Ramp It Up installed a ramp for veteran Paul VanDemark to help give him and his family access to get in and out of his home without assistance. With five volunteers it took about two hours to complete the installation. The non-profit organization has helped veterans who need help with mobility in 18 states since 2013.

VanDemark says that the new ramp is going to be a big help for him and his family.

“Before we had this ramp, we had a heck of a time for getting the wheelchair in and out of the house, we had to pick it up and get it down the steps and now we don’t have to do that anymore, thank god,” VanDemark said.

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