Outpost Sports hands out signs for two big biking events
Posted: May 11, 2012 8:48 PM EDT | Updated: Nov 6, 2014 12:06 AM EDT
Outpost Sports on Grape Road is trying to drum up some excitement for two big cycling events.
The Mishawaka sporting goods store is handing out signs for Bike the Bend and Bike to Work Week.
Bike the Bend is next Sunday, May 20th, and Bike to work week starts the next day.
Outpost employees told us they have been participating in these events for years because they benefit the community.
"People that ride to work tend to be a little happer more productive at work because they are gettting that physical activity," said Matt Lucas of Outpost Sports.
You have until May 16th to sign up for Bike the Bend. Click here to register.