Push for annual limit on cold medication
Posted: Mar 7, 2013 8:55 PM EST | Updated: Nov 5, 2014 8:43 PM EST
INDIANAPOLIS -- Buying over the counter drugs could get a little more difficult.
Indiana lawmakers are pushing for tougher yearly limits on cold medicine.
The senate bill would limit your store-bought drugs to 8 months' worth. Anything over that would require a prescription.
It is part of a push to battle the state's meth problem.
"If somebody needs a pill a day for 12 months out of the year, you really should be under a doctor's care," said Carlin Yoder, Middlebury senator.
Indiana already has a limit on the amount of medication you can buy in a day or a month.
The state senate has already approved the vote. A house committee has not yet voted on the bill.