Several factors driving up the cost of this year’s Thanksgiving meal

(CNN) -- The cost to put your Thanksgiving meal on the table this year will average $53, a 14% increase from last year.

"That 14% increase is the largest increase we've ever seen in the market basket,” said Veronica Nigh, Senior Economist, American Farm Bureau Federation.

An informal survey from the American Farm Bureau Federation found dinner for a family of ten will cost an average of $53.31, $6.41 more than last year.

Economists blame the increase on inflation, supply chain issues and a surge of demand for food during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"A lot of us were staying at home and using cooking as a form of entertainment,” Nigh said.

Turkey prices increased 24% since last year.

One caveat is that the survey was carried out before grocery stores started advertising promotional prices, which happened later this year.

"But when you start looking at those promotional prices kicking and we're starting to see significant declines in the cost of turkey,” Nigh said.

Other staples have increased in price as well. Pie crusts are up 20% and dinner rolls are up 15%.

A similar survey from the Department of Agriculture estimates Americans will spend more this thanksgiving, but only 5% more.

When it comes to availability, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says you'll still find what you need on shelves.

"There may be situations throughout the country where a particular grocery store may not have as many turkeys as necessary. At the end of the day, there's going to be plenty of food,” Vilsack said.

This is the 36th year the informal survey has been conducted.

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