South Bend's Youth Task Force recognized for anti-violence campaign

A dozen South Bend students are working with city officials to find solutions to problems your children may face every day.

Monday, South Bend Community Schools Corporation’s School Board recognized the city’s Youth Task Force.

“It’s really kind of exposed me to all walks of life,” said Alice Goulding, Adams High School Junior. “I definitely still want to pursue a career in which I can speak for the community.”

A handful of students spent the year doing something about the problems that hit close to home.

“We need to start working on the youth to get the youth to become more involved and want them to want to have a better city,” Indonesia Brown, Adams High School Sophomore.

They’ve went school-to-school to tackle the problem of youth violence in and outside of the classroom.

“They said this is impacting my education and this is impeding my education, I was blown away,” said Nijinsky Dix, Youth Task Force Volunteer.

That sentiment was shared by South Bend Schools’ Board of Trustees, who honored the group of leaders Monday night.

It was also shared by the city’s mayor, who watched his initiative grow since its creation two years ago.

“It’s tough for us to have a serious conversation about what’s benefiting the youth in the community without asking the youth,” said Mayor Pete Buttigieg. “This was an opportunity to create a body of young people who can come together, set their own priorities and not only give me advice but really work within the community to get things done.”

This experience inspired some students to take on city government post-grad.

“I kind of want to be president one day,” said Brown.

But all promised to take what they’ve learned in the board room back to the classrooms.

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