St. Joseph teen helping out Haiti

A teenager in St. Joseph has taken it upon herself to raise money to give back to a group that is special to her.

Lydia Molloy is 16 years old and went on her first mission trip back in December. She went to Haiti and volunteered at the House of Blessings Orphanage.

“When I went to Haiti the goal of what we were doing there was to connect with the kids and build relationships which I did right away. I just love every single one of those kids,” said Lydia Molloy.

She soon learned that in order for the orphanage to stay open, it must expand. That is when she knew she had to help. Currently the orphanage can hold about 15 children but needs to be able to hold close to 30.

“I started with like Dairy Queen and Silver Beach Pizza fundraising, just like small little fundraisers and then I eventually took it to my church to see what they could do to help me,” Molloy added.

So far she has raised about $11,000 among the three places. Her goal is to raise more than $50,000. She is now working to organize a Helping Haiti 5K that will take place August 20th in St. Joseph. To learn more about the 5K, click here.

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