Students brave the cold to get their hands on Father Ted Memorial tickets

NOTRE DAME, Ind. - The public memorial service for Father Theodore Hesburgh will be held right after the funeral on Wednesday night at Purcell Pavilion.

Hundreds of Notre Dame Students already received their tickets after waiting in line for hours on Sunday afternoon.

The line of students wrapped around the building, and many said there was no option; they had to get a ticket to the memorial.

“He was an incredible man, and really shaped this university, truly influential, one of the most influential people of the 20th century,” said Nate McKeon, a Notre Dame student. "To stand out here in the cold for an hour, totally worth it to be a part of something so special.”

It was all about getting a ticket for one of the 800 floor seat tickets for the memorial.

Even though some had to postpone their homework, or relocate their studying sessions, they say Father Ted is the reason they chose this prestigious university.

“He definitely transformed Notre Dame into a different level of top universities,” said student Luke Detrempe.

While some have met him, others say they did not have to, to understand the impact one man had on their education.

“A lot of us haven't even met Father Hesburgh, he's just such an iconic part of the university and its' mission,” said student Leah Kalas.

That is why they waited hours; they say Wednesday night will be well worth the wait.

There is a designated amount of seats for students, faculty, alum, and the public.

Faculty can get tickets Monday morning.

Public tickets will be available at the Joyce Center starting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.

The Compton Ice Arena will be staging area for any overflow.
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