Students can now text bullying issues to main office of South Bend Schools

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - It was announced Thursday that all schools across the South Bend School District now have a new tip-line in place to help with bullying.

Jay Caponigro, a school board member, who also sits on the school safety committee made the announcement at the community plunge on cyber bullying Thursday afternoon. The plunge was hosted by Memorial Hospital.

"We really wanted to look at bulling behaviors and how we can help parents and children reduce bullying activity in the schools," Caponigro said.

The system was tested in eight schools in November, it went so well that it has now been established in each school.

Since the tip-line was put in place in all schools in January more than 100 tips have come in from those saying they have been picked on and need help.

"It gives them an opportunity to report directly and anonymously to somebody in the building that lets them know what the incident was," Caponigro added.

All schools across the corporation have a no cell phone policy during school hours. Caponigro makes it clear that this program was put in place for before and after school activities, the school bus and those who walk to and from school.

The program allows students and even parents to text message on their cell phones or e-mail in a complaint which will be monitored in real time at the front desk.

A local survey showed that students in South Bend Schools feel pretty safe while in the classroom, but they felt less safe on the school bus and in the schools bathrooms.

The complaint will be taken under advisement, a solution will be made to the problem if necessary and the complaint will stay on record to help track bullying trends.

Each school has it's own phone number to text and e-mail address to e-mail to. The tip-line info for your child's school can be found on your child's school website on the upper left hand side.

Once you're logged in, you can type in or text the complaint for immediate help.

"This is one more way that we're demonstrating to parents and children that we care deeply about their safety as their learning and growing in our schools," said Caponigro.

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