Your Voice, Your Vote: Matt Longjohn, 6th District candidate (4 minutes)

NOW: Your Voice, Your Vote: Matt Longjohn, 6th District candidate (4 minutes)

Your Voice Your Vote is ABC57's commitment to coverage of the candidates and issues leading up to the November general election.

We have offered the candidates in local congressional races air time so they can tell you why they want to represent you in Washington.

Dr. Longjohn is a Democrat from Portage who is running for office for the first time. He's the former National Health Officer for the YMCA.

He's challenging Republican incumbent Fred Upton in Michigan's 6th Congressional District.

Dr. Longjohn was given four minutes to answer the following question why should voters choose you on November 6th and make a change in the 6th District ?

His response has not been edited.

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