ABC 57 answers questions related to the recent expansion of the Pfizer vaccine to children

ABC 57 news answers questions about the recent expansion of the Pfizer vaccine to 12-15-year-olds.

A vaccine advisory committee to the Center for Disease Control is scheduled to meet Wednesday to make recommendations about how the vaccine should be used!

Everything about the dosing will remain the same with children getting two shots of the Pfizer vaccine for full vaccination each scheduled about 21 days apart!

There were no cases of covid-19 in the 11-hundred children who received the Pfizer vaccine during clinical trials.

And vaccinated adolescents had high levels of antibodies in their blood, a sign they developed strong immunity!

The Food and Drug administration says the shots are one-hundred-percent effective in preventing covid-19 in children!

However, the administration says there is not enough data yet to determine how long the protection will last.

The Pfizer vaccine will be available to 12-15 year-olds at most of the same place’s as adults.

The vaccine should also be offered at most drugstores and more at their family doctor or pediatrician's office!

Parental consent will still be required in both Indiana and Michigan if your child does get immunized.

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