Activists pushing for resignation of Chief Scott Ruszkowski

NOW: Activists pushing for resignation of Chief Scott Ruszkowski

SOUTH BEND, Ind, -- The Board of Public Safety had their monthly meeting today and things got heated when the floor opened up to the public. From there they declared their oppositions to Chief of Police Scott Ruszkowski, and not for the first time. 

Activists shared their discontent over a multitude of issues including protocol, leadership concerns, and community relations that the community feels are being ignored.

To try and catalyst change, local Black Lives Matter group members created a petition that now has roughly 300 signatures. The petition came in the wake of Eric Logan's shooting. The signatures voice the distain the signers have with Sergeant Ryan O'Neill who did not have his body camera activated during the deadly confrontation and subsequently resigned after telling investigators Logan came at him with a knife. 

This incident sparked a series of protests all voicing the same issues and sentiment that Chief Scott Ruszkowski was not handling the city properly and should resign. 

ABC57 reached out to the police department, however the respectfully declined to comment. 

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