Elkhart community grieves together at Martin’s shooting memorial

NOW: Elkhart community grieves together at Martin’s shooting memorial

ELKHART, Ind. -- A day after the Monday shooting on Martin's Supermarket off Jackson Boulevard in Elkhart, the community gathered on the courtyard outside the store.

Community members gather at a vigil to honor the lives lost at the Martin's Supermarket in Elkhart. ABC57

Friends, family and other locals came out by the dozens, lighting candles, bringing flowers, and saying prayers for the two lives lost: 49-year-old Benjamin S. Jeffrey, a Martin's customer, and 19-year-old Annasue Rocha, an employee at Martin's.

The Elkhart Community leaving heartfelt messages, flowers, and lighting candles for the lost lives. ABC57

“Anytime something happens in a public setting like this, it’s different than at a home, because it just shows you how vulnerable we are. It could happen anywhere,” said Pastor of Elkhart City Church, Clay Powell.

Powell was one of several community leaders who spoke at the memorial, including Elkhart Mayor Rod Roberson and CEO of SpartanNash, Tony Sarsam.

“We have a lot of work to do to make people feel comfortable and safe and get on after this tragedy and what we do is support the people. We have a great people organization, this is a wonderful community, we have a great team of first responders who behaved so heroically, but we know we’re going to be stronger coming out of this, and we will continue to take care of the people here,” said Sarsam.

The community also praising the actions of the two Elkhart officers, Corporal Paul Vandenburg and Patrolman Ethan Pasternak, who put themselves in harm's way to save others.

“A lot of times, the reason things happen the way they do is because people aren’t loved on and so, bad decisions are made… I just wanted to us to be that be a community that loves each other, cares for each other, and looks out for each other,” said Powell.

The gunman was shot and killed after firing multiple times at the two officers. Elkhart County Homicide Unit identified the suspect as 54-year-old Juan M. Sanchez.

They are still working to determine the ‘why’ in this case and ask the public for patience as the investigation is ongoing. Anyone with additional information should call 574-295-2825.

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