Fort Wayne falcon chicks officially have names

FORT WAYNE, Ind. - The four peregrine falcon chicks, living atop the Indiana Michigan Power Center, now have names after the company held a public vote.

The winning names are Storm and Cindy for the girls and Tom and River for the boys.

I&M officials say under the unapproving, watchful eye of peregrine falcon parents, Jamie, and Moxie, the four chicks were taken from the nest box on May 17 to receive their identification bands and names.

The four chicks were then reunited with their parents in the nest.

As part of the event, officials say Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehabilitation, Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) joined I&M to band the chicks.

You can view the event here.

Company officials say 73 falcon chicks have been hatched and banded since 1996 from the site.

Officials say by putting leg bands on young birds and reading these bands on adults at nesting sites, movement and survival of Midwestern peregrines can be tracked.

This can be distances as great as 200 miles from the site the falcon was raised or released.

You can view the chicks and their parents by visiting the 24/7 live webcam here.

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