Free Lead Screenings

NOW: Free Lead Screenings

SOUTH BEND, Ind.-- Do you have lead hazards in your home?

Tonight free screenings, lead kits, and applications are available to help make sure your home is lead safe because being affected by lead poisoning is not as hard as you would think.

Imagine dumping a packet of sugar onto the table and then picking up one individual grain.

That is about how much lead it takes to poison a child.

To help raise awareness the City of South Bend is partnering with the South Bend City School Corporation to host this event to shed light and answer any lead related questions you may have.

The event will be held Thursday night from 5 to 7 at the old Brown School or the current Keller Branch library.

The screenings are geared towards kids 0 to 6 as lead can be harmful to their developing brains.

Neil Mihalich, the city's Lead Based Paint Grant Manager will also be there to help residents fill out applications for home remediation with no cost to you.

Mihalich says the city will fund having an inspector and contractor come out to your home through the grant and is hoping to have lots of applicants so that this money can be put to good use.

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