Scattered lake effect snow, widespread cold today
Billboards pop up across South Bend honoring local black leaders
Notre Dame Women’s Basketball defeat Duke 64-49
Local trustee reacts to proposed senate bill making school boards...
Protesting the president on Presidents Day, demonstrators gather...
Snowpack sticks around this week with more accumulation likely
A wintry week ahead
Notre Dame Women’s Basketball AP No. 1 for first time since...
Former Notre Dame national champion Turner joins Clark, Indiana...
Dog training book aims to broaden emotional horizons of students...
Bitter cold setting in with spotty snow to start the week
’Locked in Solidarity’ event focused on interrupting violence...
NILES, MI., Working to educate the public about drug overdoses and what to do in case of emergency.
The Southwest Michigan Families Against Narcotics has teamed up with Voice Change Hope Alliance to offer a free Narcan training session.
Narcan is the antidote for an opiate overdose that can help reverse the effects of an overdose.
The free training is offered to any teenager or adult and it’s free.
Teenagers 14 years and older are encouraged to attend the training to help identify the signs of when to call for help. Anyone 18 and older who completes the training will be given a dose of nasal spray Narcan.
The event is at M Longley Counselling, 311 East Main Street, in Niles. It will be help in Thursday October 12th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.