Investigators find Bridgman attempted abduction false
BRIDGMAN, Mich.--- Last week an 11-year-old girl reported that a man tried to abduct her as she left Toth Park around 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
Now Bridgman police have determined the claim was false after carrying out an extensive investigation.
A parent of children that go to the same school as the young girl said this situation has made many people in the community anxious for fearing their kids could be next.
“It was terrifying,” said Melissa Strefling. It was scary to think that someone could just come up and grab your kid at any time and I have three kids, so it kind of made me on high alert.”
Strefling said the 11-year-old is a good kid from what she knows and thinks it’s unfortunate that the young girl is going through this, but she hopes the city still takes future reports seriously.
“I hope that the city still takes things serious just in case this is something that does happen,” said Strefling. I hope they don’t think that the kids are always going to be crying wolf.”
The Bridgman police chief told ABC57 that on one hand he’s glad there’s not someone out there trying to take children in the community.
But on the other, he said it’s unfortunate because the police department and the people in the community were set on trying to find the allege suspect.
He said regardless of this situation the police will continue to investigate these cases thoroughly whether they turn out true or not.
“I don’t want people to believe we’re going to stop believing them or stop listening to them just because we’ve had a couple of false reports,” said Chief Daniel Unruh.
The Berrien County Prosecutor’s office will ultimately make the decision to chare the young girl once the final report is forwarded to them from the Bridgman Police Department.
The prosecutor’s office told ABC57 since this case involves a juvenile it may take more time to work through.