Lemonade Day will help children learn about money, running a business

NOW: Lemonade Day will help children learn about money, running a business

ELKHART, Ind. - Lemonade Day of Elkhart County is celebrating its seventh year of refreshing citrus-themed events and youth entrepreneurial initiatives!  Participating in Lemonade Day this year is as easy as 1, 2, 3!  First, families should register online, second, pick up their free backpack business kit, and third, register for a free spot to set up their business at one of the four Lemonpalooza festivals on May  19, 2018.
Students and their parents can register for Lemonade Day online at jalemonade.org/lemonade-day.   After they register, they can pick up a free Lemonade Day backpack business kit.   Students work with their mentor on the Lemonade Day curriculum that will focus on creating a budget, making a savings plan, giving back to the community, building a stand, as well as many other lessons on building their own business – a lemonade stand!

The backpack business kit contains educational curriculum and materials to guide families through all the steps to start their business. 

These kits are available at no cost to the community, thanks to Junior Achievement & Lemonade Day serving Elkhart County and the gracious financial contributions of Kem Krest, Centier Bank, Lippert Components, Welch Packaging, and Specialized Staffing Solutions.  

Parents can easily follow along with the Lemonade Day model through the Mentor Console on the website. In your Lemonade Day account, participants will have access to all Lemonade Day tools and resources, such as setting goals, picking a location, building a stand and more. 

New this year, participants can choose to sign up for a space to set up their stand at one of the four Lemonpalooza festival locations.  At Lemonpalooza, dozens of stands will sell their Lemonade concoctions & the community’s contests will take place!  Each location will serve as the central point for media coverage & activities of this year’s county wide Lemonade Day.  There will be food vendors, bounce houses and more! 

There will be four Lemonpalooza locations in Elkhart, Goshen, Middlebury, and New Paris. Each festival will be open to the public on Lemonade Day, Saturday, May 19th, from 10 am - 3 pm.  

Students can ask their classroom teachers or they can pick up their backpack business kit at various locations throughout Elkhart County from March 17th, 2018 until May 4th, 2018.  All participants must register with a parent or guardian’s permission to participate in Lemonade Day.

Registration is open online - click HERE to register. Once you’re registered, pick-up a free yellow Lemonade Day resource backpacks here: 
Urban Swirl, Dunlap
Elkhart Public Library, Main Branch, downtown Elkhart
New Paris Telephone Company, New Paris
Boys & Girls Club of Elkhart
Boys & Girls Club of Goshen
Boys & Girls Club of Nappanee
Boys & Girls Club of Middlebury
Nappanee Public Library
Schmidt Furniture & Cabinetry, Wakarusa
Das Dutchman Essenhaus, Middlebury
Elkhart Indian Motorcycle
ETHOS Science Center, Elkhart
Ben’s Pretzels, Pike Street, Goshen
The Twisted Cow, Elkhart
Centier Bank , Elkhart Rd., Goshen *Spanish materials also available at this location*
Founded in 2007, Lemonade Day is a strategic 14-step process that walks youth from a dream to a business plan, while teaching them the same principles required starting any big company. Inspiring kids to work hard and make a profit, they are also taught to spend some, save some and share some by giving back to their community. Lemonade Day will be on May 19th, 2018.  Kids that participate in Lemonade Day can choose where to place their stand; it can be at their house, any local business, or one of the Lemonpalooza Festival locations throughout Elkhart County.

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