Local groups taking donations for tornado victims

BUCHANAN, Mich. -- Several local groups want to take supplies and food to the victims of Monday’s tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. There are several ways you can help.

Feed the Hungry in South Bend is in prepared to ship out 60 tons of food and water in the next two days.

"Began calling our guys here to mobilize what every products we have on hand that are most needed which is water ready to eat foods things to cook clothing,” said Stefan Radelich, Director of Feed the Hungry.

As "Meals Ready to Eat" are stacked up, the tractor trailers are headed to the warehouse off Ironwood Road to load up.

“Within the next 48 hours we'll have three tractor trailer loads of supplies on site ready to help the people in need,” said Radelich.

In Buchanan, Michigan, a shipping company is asking for people to bring donations for the victims in Moore, Oklahoma.

"Canned foods, water, diapers, clothing items, anything that's non perishable that you feel would be a benefit to those in Oklahoma,” said Joe Stevens, President of Express-1.

Stevens grew up in the Midwest and has seen his fair share of tornadoes.

“I've been in them seen them, had it happen. So it's a very horrific time right now when you're completely displaced from your home,” said Stevens.

You can help fill up their tractor trailers with donations.

"We're obtaining non perishable items between tomorrow Wednesday through Friday at the Martins Stores in South Bend, Indiana Mishawka and Elkhart,” said Stevens.

Feed the Hungry in South Bend needs help paying to get the donations to Oklahoma. It will cost $100 to ship each ton and they plan to ship 60 tons.

You can donate online at http://www.feedthehungry.org/

To donate to Express-1:

Friday, May 24 donation drive for victims of the tornado
Martin's #11
926 Erskine Plaza
South Bend, IN 46614
(Corner of Ireland Rd. & Miami Rd.)

Martin's #14
555 E. Jackson Blvd.
Elkhart, IN 46516

Martin's #16
12850 St. Rd. 23
Granger, IN 46530

If you cannot attend Friday's drive, drop goods off at the following locations at the following times:

429 Post Road
Buchanan, MI
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday and 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.  Friday

Niles Township fire department
2049 S. 3rd St.
Niles, MI
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wed and Thurs
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday

Three Oaks Ford
6736 U. S. Highway 12
Three Oaks, MI 49128
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wed and Thurs
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday

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